Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Recent Movies

 Everything I watched in October (so far)

White House Down- 7/10. Hadn't seen this one in a while. Plot is extremely stupid, but Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx are pretty likeable pair and it's a fun popcorn action flix. Just turn your brain off and have fun kind of movie. 

A Few Good Men- 8/10. Really engaging law drama, excellent courtroom scenes. Tom Cruise is great and really likeable here. 

The Martian- 9/10. Excellent movie, don't remember liking this so much on a previous watch. Just super entertaining realistic feeling sci-fi adventure that is quite thrilling and enjoyable throughout. Phenomenal cast. 

Social Network- 8.5/10. Another very compelling drama following a series of characters. None of the characters are all that likeable so it's interesting hearing them all defend their actions. 

The Northman- 8/10. Cool revenge film with some badass action sequences. Great cinematography in Iceland. Some weird stuff but mostly satisfying and entertaining. 

You People- 4.5/10. Not a good movie. There are some funny moments here and there, but overall the characters are not likeable and there's a lot of really awkward race socially commentary jammed in there. Final outcome is not believable or deserved at all. 

Zodiac- 7/10. Pretty good, fun lead trio of actors. Kind of peters out and gets less interesting towards the end. 

The Covenant- 9/10. Great movie, really intense and exciting action/thriller sequences. The two leads are fantastic and so is Anthony Starr. 

21 Jump Street- 8/10. Pretty funny and just feels like that 2000s comedy vibe. Enjoyable movie throughout, Jonah Hill is excellent. 

22 Jump Street- 7/10. Still funny but not quite as entertaining as the first one and some of the jokes don't really land. 

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