Knight and Day changes constantly: from quick paced action scenes to more slow romantic moments, from country to country, and from really great movie moments to really awful movie moments, and vice versa. Knight and Day has a million flaws and stupid movie moments that make you compare its' quality to whatever trash Michael Bay this year, but it also has a million redeeming qualities. Those qualities could be compared to the best of the year. Those bad qualities are Cameron Diaz, or at least her character, who went from cool and funny to annoying and useless and changed greatly throughout the film. She seems to be enjoyable with Tom Cruise, but couldn't carry the movie on her own. Other mistakes were: awful villains, ridiculous plot (maybe not a mistake), far too much romance, really stupid moments, and a so-so conclusion. But, there's tom cruise and his awesome character to make up for that. Roy Miller may not be as awesome as Ethan Hunt, but he does his best to define cool. He spouts great dialogue, and makes great action. The film also offers a few laughs and cool score, not to mention it's entertainment. Most scenes are highly watchable.
Movie Rating: B+
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